9 AM - 5 PM EST
Monday - Friday
We can certify your property in weeks, not months. And we can do it all without ever filing a quiet title.
Give us the address of your parcel(s) and the date purchased at the tax deed auction.
Our staff perform a thorough review of the tax deed sale to make sure all statutory requirements were met. Once approved, we issue a certificate and request a title policy on your behalf if desired.
Your title certificate and title policy are issued in 3-4 weeks allowing you to make even more money on your investment.
Sometimes this process can take weeks or months. Although a quiet title action can be done in as little as 60-90 days, if there are complications it takes longer.
With a tax deed certificate, we are able to research the property, certify that property notice of the sale was given by the tax clerk, and prepare a certificate to send to the underwriters who will issue a title insurance policy in about 30-45 days, around half the time of a quiet title action.
Call or message us today, and speak with an experienced quiet title attorney who can walk you through our process.
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